So, all these pics are mainly for my sisters in their various states of the US. There are a lot of pictures, just warning you. I also wrote more than I usually do, so it could bore you to death!!
This is where we find Katelyn most of the time. She is truly being watched over by angels because I can't control this little monster!!
But she is stinkin cute, so we'll keep her.
Making the gingerbread house
Eating the gingerbread house.Kate has tried to get this thing on the counter since we made it! Now she doesn't have to risk her life trying to get it!
Brad kept ducking down to try to get out of the picture. Too bad our new camera is too quick!!
With her hair down, she looks and acts just like animal on the muppets!!
She loves to pose for pictures. She is such a good big sister to Kate. She takes a lot of abuse from that little girl. She will be such a good mommy some day!!
Kate can reach into the junk drawer with all the pens, scissors and markers now. She thought this blue marker was chapstick
She found another marker in the drawer!!
My boy's perfect little mouth is gone. It's crazy that he's old enough for a lost tooth
Christmas day Brad lost his first tooth.. About three weeks ago Brad and Belle were sledding down the hill in our backyard. Brad starts screaming and comes in with a bloody mouth. The tooth that is out and the one to his left were both pointed straight at me. So, I hurried and shoved them back into place, and after some trauma and saying " i am going to die, i am going to die," we were okay. The one next to it surprisingly is now not loose at all. But this tooth was ready to come out--there was a tooth waiting to come. I hope he's a little tougher on the next one, or we're in for a long road with this boy and losing teeth!!
Katelyn wants to be involved
Christmas Eve:
Tyler's sister was Mary in the pageant this year. Well, this is the hair Mary had that night!! Belle had to try it on!
Brad got his A2000 mitt from his dad--I'm pretty sure his dad was more excited!!
Opening all her barbie stuff!
He's been wanting a bible forever. So, we gave him one with his name on it and a little hymn book with his name on it. I think he was the most excited about that little hymn book. Silly boy!! I think he is a pretty well rounded little boy, he loves to sit and sing the hymns..
He wanted a telescope and he also got a microscope. Well, it was cloudy and not very good for looking into space (and we just need to read up on the instructions) so we haven't got it to work very well. The other day I tried to help him with the microscope(without reading instructions--they probably do help!) And it wouldn't work-so Bradley, frustrated, said "So, Santa gave me a telescope And a microscope that doesn't work!" Poor boy, his parents just need to read the instructions!!
Brad got his first snowboard from Santa this year. He was pretty excited.
Bradley trying out his new present!! He was a professional!
Santa brought Belle and Kate a new kitchen. A kitchen that Kate can't pick up and chuck across the room. This little one year old has incredible strength, I would not mess with her!
Katelyn got to open the first present over at Russon's. Well, she was excited until her sister and cousin opened up better shopping carts than hers!! Silly girl. She was soooo mad! She chucked the thing. I opened up the food for her to play with, she chucked that too. You can't give her anything she can pick up and throw. I think she was really tired too, she took a nap right after.
Playing with Josh with her famous little face
I love this girl even though she doesn't sleep a wink at night. She is scared of monsters right now. You can't just sleep by her though, she feels for you the whole entire night to make sure you haven't left her.
Playing games on Christmas
One of Kate's many faces.
Silly girl
Bradley loves to read and loves to read to his sister
On the horse that takes them to bed!!
She's so dang funny. She is the most hilarious baby. But, she does come at a very high price-that is well worth it-just don't ask me in the middle of the night!!