Sunday, April 10, 2011

Catch up. . . Again!

So, these pictures weren't working when I tried to cut and paste--therefore, they are in a very mixed up order!! Oh well, at least I made a post!!

My big boy at the park!
Maren, Brad, Kate, Austen, Belle and Taylin are no where in sight!!
It was so nice for a couple of days, we had to get out and get a tan!! Well, in the shade!
You think that she's giving a kiss, but this is the face you get right after you've ticked her off!!
Pretty girl eating her ham!!
Kate has to be involve in the air hockey!
Brad reading a mystery to the girls!
Stacie came to visit when the twins were blessed!
Having fun with Tay!
So, Holly came March 24th to bless the twins that next Sunday. They stayed for 1 1/2 short weeks!! At least they came for a little while! I was able to go and surprise her in Oregon for a week--a week before she came!! It was so much fun holding these two little babes and playing with Taylin--even though she kept calling me Stace!!
All dressed up in Belle's princess game jewelry! Kate will do anything to be like Belle!
Loungin on the train
Take a good look at Katelyn's bottom lip--if you make her sad or mad, you get this instant big bottom lip!!
Belle reading her babies a story before bed.

Katelyn's favorite place to be
This is a little late, but here are their Christmas outfits!
I really don't know what to do with this girl!! We love her, but she is something else!!
Tyler brought this huge icicle in!!


Holly said...

I LOVE IT!! I Love everything about this post. I LOVE those kids and we miss you all so much!
ps. Katers makes me laugh:)

mae said...

CUTE pics and cute kids. Love the pic of Kate puckering her little lips.

Matt & Stacie said...

Miss Katelyn is one of a kind. What a crazy girl. They all have so much fun together. Keep posting pictures so i can pretend i'm there! good luck on your half marathon! i can't believe you're doing that...

Danielle said...

I love the new stuff. What precious kids. What sweet babies Holly has as well. Hope you guys are doing well.

Heather said...

Haha! I love the one in the play kitchen! Soooo cute!

Recksieks said...

It is so fun to see pictures of you and your kiddos! I cant believe how big they are getting. SO CUTE!!!

Amy said...

with our kids being so close in age, we seriously need to get together when i come up there!! what cute kids!!