Monday, March 2, 2009


We just found out that we will be having another girl. Isabelle is too young to think anything of it, but Bradley sure did have some emotions!! He just looked at the lady and said "We'll just have to see when it comes out what it is". We thought he was going to start crying, but he was just upset for a couple of hours!! He said later he was just kidding and really wanted a sister and he was sorry for being mad. He is such a good little boy. Hopefully next time we'll get him a brother. I'll have to post some ultrasound pics later.


Vee said...

What a cute kid. I think that is exactly what my husband thought in his head when we got pregnant with our second daughter.
I'm impressed with the fact that he said he was sorry afterwards. What a sweetie.
Congrats on another girl! My favorite is taking sister pictures. So fun!

Stacy said...

Congratulations Annie! Girls are so fun. you already know that! That's exciting!

Joe and Sheila said...

How exciting! Congratualations. Bradley is such a cute little kid. Sorry I haven't called you back yet. I have been really busy lately

Holly said...

Bradley is soooo dang cute:) He's way too smart also! I am excited to see this little girl...I have a pretty good idea what she (have you decided on Xena then? will look like...i have a pretty good idea!

Berenice said...

Just can't get over how much Belle looks like you and Bradley looks like Tyler! Wonder who #3 will come out looking like? =) Congratulations, Bradley is so funny, he'll be the cool big brother later then he'll be happy because all the girls friends will be chasing him. =)

Melissa said...

Congratulations! That is really exciting. Watch out for the cat fights when your girls get a little bit older. My girls already fight. I love little girls!!

Danielle said...

Anne- that is so exciting!! Brad is going to be the best big brother to his cute sisters. Your kids are so precious. We hope we can see you soon.

A Journey for Three said...

Yeah i felt bad for brad when you guys told me, mainly because when you were telling me you asked brad what you guys were having and how he said "A Girl" as if he Had been crying. im glad he didnt though, i worried about what that moment might be like for him.. i cant wait to see them!! -oh and the new baby too!

Jen said...

Anne, your kids are so cute! I can't believe how big they are! And, congrats with the new little girl!

hope2adoptbaby said...

Congrats again! I'm sure she'll be as cute as your other two little munchkins. Kyle told me the story about Brad at the doctor's should totally write it down because its so funny and cute! :)

Jen Demaris said...

Congrats I am excited for you to have another girl..i love girls! hope you have been feeling good lately! call me sometime and catch me up on how you all have been! ;)

Amy said...

I am so excited for you!! i hope i get a little girl sometime soon:) how exciting!!

Jacee McGuire said...

That will be so fun to have two little girls. Congrats! Bradley is so funny!

Karl and Chantae said...

Congratulations. Thats awesome and super exciting. Your family is adorable!

Jenni said...

It was good to see you guys the other day. I will send you those pictures. If you will send me your email and I'll send them over. Take care and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!